Helping people become “unstuck” and to deliver elite, sustainable performance.
“By inviting reflection, exploration and discovery, we deliver transformational development
experiences that constructively challenge, inspire and build confidence.”
Strengthening mindsets,
focus and leadership capability

Effective leadership performance is powered by curiosity and the willingness to ask fundamental questions, absorb the answers, and take action that promotes sustainable growth. At Leading Minds, we partner with senior leaders, teams and organisations in innovative global enterprises to explore new and important questions – reimagining leadership & culture.
We know that people are capable of amazing things. By inviting reflection, exploration and discovery, we deliver transformational development experiences that constructively challenge, inspire and build confidence. We strengthen mindsets, focus and leadership capability to prepare people for high impact change and cultural transformation so you can run through walls together. We unleash untapped capacity to go beyond what they thought was possible & make a positive impact on the world.
With an extensive and trusted network of highly experienced Executive Coaches and Leadership Development consultants, Leading Minds has the ability to quickly scale in line with your needs.
We’re always eager to talk to potential new clients and partners, and look forward to hearing from you and exploring what we can achieve together.

“We prepare people for high impact change
and cultural transformation.”
Angela Gest-McCall is experienced in the use of leading tools such as MRG’s IDI & LEA, Hay’s Style and Climate, Myers Briggs (MBTI Step I & Step II) and Hogan Assessments, as well as having worked with many corporate 360° feedback programs.
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about Angela